Thursday, 31 March 2016

8 Tips to Stay Productive When You’re Tired
Working on our goals should be a daily habit.  However, many times we get caught up in moments of tiredness and stress and because of this, fail to execute on our goals.
Everyone knows that if you only work on days that you feel good, you will not get very far, very fast.  Pushing through during those times of fatigue is critical to achieving success.  So, below we’ve highlighted some of the best tips that you can use to stay productive when you start feeling tired.

  • Grab a light snack

Often times all we need is a quick “pick-me-up” to help us recharge.  Grabbing a quick snack will do exactly that. The science is that it boost our brain power and gives us a quick spike of blood-sugar. This wakes us up a bit and can help us get refocus.  However, make sure the snack is healthy and light. If it’s too heavy, it can bog you down, making you feel tired and groggy.

  • Drink a cup of coffee

Drink a cup of coffee for a quick shot of caffeine.  If you don’t like coffee grab something else to drink with caffeine in it.  Caffeine can help heighten our awareness and wake us up.  So, if you’re feeling a little sluggish, a cup of coffee or soda will help!

  • Stand up and move around

Getting up and moving around will get the blood flow moving throughout your body.  This activity will wake you up and make you feel more energized.  It is a great way to wake yourself up if you are feeling sluggish. If you’re really feeling tired you can do a few jumping jacks or pushups!

  • Read your goals list a few times

If you are feeling tired and unmotivated, simply pull out your goals list that you created for yourself and read them over a few times.  If you don’t have one, this is a great reason why they are so important!  Reading your goals to yourself is very helpful because it will remind you of where you want to be and what you are trying to achieve.  This will give you motivation and help you refocus your energy on being productive.

  • Chunk your work

What we mean by chunking is to take your work and do it in smaller sections.  Often times, we look at the project and goals we are trying to accomplish as a whole.  The reason we get unmotivated is because we think of everything we have to do.  Instead of doing this, only focus on small tasks at a time that need to be completed. Every little bit adds up and this is why we recommend chunking your work!

  • Look at a vision board

If you don’t have a vision board, this is another reason why you should have one.  Vision boards are great to look at when you are feeling unmotivated, tired, or sluggish.  A vision board is simply a board with pictures and quotes of the things you want in your life.  Vision boards are often made on a cardboard cutout and are made by cutting out images from magazine articles, quotes, or other places where you see things that remind you of where you’re trying to go in life.  Once you paste these on your vision board, you have something to always look at for a reminder.  This is a great way to keep yourself on track and focused in times of fatigue.

  • Watch a motivational video

Enter YouTube!  Motivational videos are great tools that you can use to stay motivated.  Simply go to YouTube or Google and search for “Motivational Video” and you’ll have hundreds showing at your disposal. Everyone needs motivation from time to time, so if you’re feeling unmotivated, watching them can be a great way to stay on track!  We recommend making a playlist of your favorite ones so that you can always have them on hand.

  • Turn off your cell phone

Turning off your cell phone is a great way to stay productive. As we all know, having our phone right next to us can make it tempting to check e-mails, social media accounts, and text messages.  One of the best ways to stay productive is to simply turn your cell phone off all-together.  You’d be amazing how much you can get done!

We know how hard it can be sometimes to stay productive when on the road to success.  With the hours, sacrifice, and hard work, it is easy to get distracted and restless.  However, following the 8 tips we highlighted here will help you to stay on course.

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