Tuesday 30 August 2016


Life is full of patterns, trends and statistics. Some of which should be followed and others best avoided. 

You should follow the same patterns of those who you wish to become.

One trend budding future millionaires could follow is represented well in a famous quote "the average millionaire has 7 sources of income" 

I may not be an expert but what I will say is that if you want to become anything in this world you should follow after those who have already done it. Eg if you want to become a famous sports player you should train hard like they do, eat well like they do and all the other things.

So I suggest if you are looking to become a millionaire you should look to create multiple sources of income!

Why? Because if one source of income falls over you have many more to support you and keep you going. Eg if someone successful loses their job they will likely still have other sources of income such as businesses, real estate, stocks, etc.


Some ideas for this could be real estate, stocks, bonds, online store, freelancing, selling information or any other form of business you can think of.

Tip - If you have a job or already busy with a business maybe start with something more passive to get you feet wet with such as email marketing and making money with affiliate products or anything else you can do.

Thursday 18 August 2016

Mr. Ma Yun (Founder of Alibaba) advice to young people

The founder and chairman of Alibaba Group, Mr. Ma Yun aka Jack Ma, gave the ultimate success advice to young people who want to be entrepreneurs, in a TV show participation.

Success in business it's not an easy thing, you have to work really hard and focus on the necessary tasks you need to do.

But don't forget, you need to know what to do. It's very important to have the necessary guidance from someone wiser, someone who has achieved the kind of success you want to achieve.

Jack Ma's achievements in life, by bridging the gap between the new internet world and China in the late 90s, and becoming successful with his online ventures, is one of those examples you can follow.

Jack Ma points out what you should do in each age category regarding your wishes to become an entrepreneur:

Ma Yun aka Jack Ma Advice to Young People


"Be a good student, wait to entrepreneur, just to learn some experience."

Our take: Take the time to learn, don't rush things. It's too early to engage in entrepreneurship, most people lacks the essential knowledge. Get to know the business, get to know the experts, become wiser and wiser with time.


"Follow somebody. Go to a small company

Normally, in a big company, it is good to learn processing; you are part of a big machine.

But when you go to a small company, you learn the passion, you learn the dreams. You learn how to do a lot of things at one time. 

So before 30 years old, it’s not which company you go to, it’s which boss you follow. That's very important. A good boss teaches you differently."

Our take: Continue to learn, but now in a specific environment, a small company, it's not important to got to a big shot company. It's more important to learn what makes a small business a great business. Simple things like: love for what you do, dream with great things when there is to little to be seen. Also, in a small company, you're not one of many workers, you are one of the few workers that company has. That means you'll have to work a lot and in different tasks. That's great for learning and for development, that's major when you are younger and needing to grow.


"You have to think very clearly, whether you want to work for yourself, if you really want to be an entrepreneur."

Our take: By this time, you have gained the necessary experience, you now the necessary workload needed to make a business work. So, you are ready to decide if you want to be an entrepreneur or not. First you must walk, than you can decide if you are able to run, and if you do, go at it with all your heart and determination.


"You have to do all the things that you are good at. Don’t try to jump into the new area, it’s too late. You may be successful, but the rate of dying is too big. 

So 40 and 50, think about how you can focus on things that you are good at."

Our take: No time for experiences. You are good at one particular area, believe in you, continue to work on it. It's all about that extra push, one more time at stronger and harder, with the necessary focus to make it work.


"Work for the young people. Because young people can do better than you. So rely on them, invest on them, and making sure they’re good."

Our take: Time to be a mentor, you have been a great achiever, you have an extreme know-how, but it's time to pass that knowledge to the now, more capable and younger people. Use your wisdom to help young people become great also, so you can continue to prosper in business


"Spend time for yourself. On the beach, sunshine, it’s too late for you to change, normally."

Our take: Time to retreat, if you did what you supposed to, you can comfortably retire and enjoy what you have earned. 


"Make enough mistakes. Don’t worry! 
You fall, you stand up, you fall, you Stand... enjoy it! 25 years old, enjoy the show!”

Our take: That's the greatest thing about Jack Ma words, you make a mistake there's no big deal about it, learn with it. Each time you fall, get back up, the important it's not to stress about it, but to enjoy. See your life as a journey, enjoy the ride, have fun with the process.
                            WAKE UP.

Experience has taught us that, the game of life isn’t won by those whom life gives extraordinary steps, but by those who take whatever steps life offers and make the best out them.
You will not succeed in anything simply because you’re lucky or blessed or well positioned: you will succeed only if you can effectively use whatever you have to get what you want. Vivian Greene observed that, ‘Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.’
My friend, don’t wait for your challenging storms to pass, for you have got power and control over them, get out of your comfort house and teach yourself how to walk in the hard hitting rains of worry, disappointment and failure. In the end when people come seeking your guidance rooted in your life experience, it is especially the lessons you acquired from the hardness of situations and moments that will count and make a great impact.
You still have a chance; you can make it – try standing up again, I know it’s hard but it the only way. Pack your bags again; go and see that person again; submit your application again; present your idea again; start your business afresh, but don’t ever surrender your power to your negative thoughts.

10 Ways to Successfully Start Your Day: motivation, success, wake up, tips, how to

The morning is one of the most crucial moments of the day, which sometimes dictates how the rest of it will feel.

There are a number of ways to improve the quality of your mornings and ensure you are relaxed and energetic for the day ahead of you. Here are the most effective ones:

10 Ways to Successfully Start Your Day

1. Set Your Alarm Earlier

If you know yourself to be hard to get out of bed, and always late for work, set your alarm 15 minutes earlier than usual. This will give you extra time to get yourself ready and respect the schedule you’ve probably made the night before. 

2. Don’t Snooze

However, it’s useless to wake up 15 minutes early if you snooze the alarm and go back to sleep. Apart from making all your efforts in vain, this practice does more damage than you think. When your alarm rings, your body’s sleep cycle is interrupted. By going back to sleep, you restart that cycle, but shock your body when you interrupt it again 15 minutes later. The more times you snooze, the more tired you will wake up.

3. Stretch or Exercise

You can begin stretching before you even get out of bed. We sometimes do it without realizing, get on the side of the bed and stretch our arms. What you should do then is continue with the rest of the body, for a good minute of stretching to chase the sleep away and oxygenate the blood. And this works even better if you add a 15-minutemorning workout routine. You will leave the house smiling and ready for anything.

4. Start Preparing Before Sleep

One thing we all have problems with is deciding what to wear in the morning. Looking through your wardrobe for 5 minutes and not choosing anything can be frustrating, to say the least. And can make you late. Why not get rid of that, and have the clothes ready the night before?

5. Relax

Reserve 5 – 10 minutes of your morning time for some relaxation. It may seem uncalled for since you’ve just woken up, but your mind is not that focused during the morning, and something to calm it can go a long way. Listen to some music or simply sit still and let your mind run free for a bit while enjoying your morning coffee by the window, watching the horizon.

6. Drink Water

You should realize that your body just came back after roughly 8 hours of sleep, during which it used up resources. Resources like water, which is why you should hurry to replenish. Even if you’re not that thirsty, drink a large glass of water after you wake up and your body will definitely thank you later.

10 Ways to Successfully Start Your Day: Always have Breakfast

7. Always Have Breakfast

And, of course, water is not the only resource your body used up. Other nutrients need to be replenished as well, and a well-balanced morning breakfast can go a long way towards a productive day. There are many “recipes” forthe perfect breakfast, but generally, something high in protein, coupled with orange juice, will do the trick. Sugar is recommended as well for better memory, but only about one cube.

8. Plan the Day

During breakfast, plan out the rest of your day. Think about where you’ll be going, who you will meet and what you’ll be doing in order to formulate a solid timeline of your day. This is when ideas will start popping into your head and you will find better ways to tackle some of the issues you will be confronted with. This will make the world of difference if your goal is to become one of the world’s top CEOs.

9. Focus on One Thing 

Unless you have a solid and practiced morning routine, you will find it difficult, sometimes annoying to do some of the things you plan the night before. That is why you should never try to multitask. Take things slow and one at a time to avoid getting angry or upset and ruining the rest of the morning, possibly the day.

10. Start With What Is Important

When you get to work, always start with your most important and complex task that day. After a healthy morning routine, you will be at your peak when it comes to focus and awareness, and you will be better able to handle difficult assignments. It will also prevent you from procrastinating and leaving it for tomorrow.

It all looks great on paper and definitely doable when you read everything during the lunch break. And, in fact, it really is. You just need to be determined to follow the plan you set for yourself. It will be harder at first, sure, but in a couple of weeks, you’ll feel as if you’ve been doing it since forever.

Why People Who Annoy You In Fact Help You To Grow

Let’s be honest, time after time, you have that strange feeling when a person annoys you without a reason. You just think that tearing your hand off and throwing it a this person just to make him/her to be silent is not a bad idea at all.

You hate the way they breathe, blink, or make noise typing on the laptop. You pay attention to things that usually do not even notice. It becomes unbearable and you could not deal with it. The only thought that you have on your mind is how to get rid of this person who truly annoys you.

Now it will be painful: mostly it is impossible. You need to communicate with them every day as they are your coworkers, partners, and, sure, relatives.

So, drop your attempts and prepare for life full of displeasure.
"Those things that hurt, instruct." - Benjamin Franklin 

1. Switch Your Attitude To Survival Mode

Prepare to remember every little detail about the day that pal caught you up on the way to the office, he start telling you how he is flustered about today's meeting and try to squeeze your hand looking for understanding. Remember how ugly he rolled his eyes when at the meeting your boss mentioned among other things that he approved new deadlines.

“You just need to shift your attention to other things, listen to your boss, man,” should be going in your head.

Prepare to listen to his opinion, nodding and without any objections, and really consider it despite his kinky jacket and rococo haircut, which make you sick.

“You just need to be open-minded, and listen when others are speaking, it is not so hard,” you are telling yourself.

Prepare to postpone your meetings just to avoid necessity to negotiate with him about booking the meeting rooms and endure his nasty voice and whiny look.

“So what? I have another time window, I could move my meeting, why I need to get stressed negotiating with him, if it is much easier to change my plans.”

Prepare to pretend that you need to do a lot of urgent work and to start work harder just to escape him seeing you entering the kitchen and offer you in his stupid manner to make you cup of coffee and to chat.

“I need to work, pal, the deadline is close. Sorry, I just came to have a sip of water.”

Prepare to spend your company’s team building summer events, which are supposed to be extremely fun, swimming in the pool near that guy, trying not to laugh looking at his “mom takes care about me” speedo and making jokes about his gills and cold-blooded, watching how long he could spend under the water.

“Wow, how is he doing this? It requires many trainees. Impressive.”

Not enough? Okay, here you go.

2. Grow With The Process 

Prepare to hear those things that annoy you are actually the things you hate about yourself. Be ready for soul-searching, feeling insecure and lost denying these assessments and, finally, admit them and start thinking you are an awful person.

“Is it true? Is he my mirror? No, I do not think so. But, what if he is?”

Prepare noticing how other people you like are chatting with that guy and it seems they really enjoy the conversation. Get ready to realize that it is not about you, the world does not know about your existence and everyone just live his or her lives and have nothing to deal with you.

“Really? So, am I the only one who annoyed?”

Prepare to start waking up much earlier to meditate just to survive during your weekly meetings with him when you need to negotiate and make collective decisions.

“Well, why not? I could try.”

3. Get Your Prize, It's About What You Become

a) Efforts and attempts.

b) Experience and findings.

c) Self-development and disclosures.

This is what I am talking about.

The worse feelings lead you to the boldest decisions and actions, which completely change your life. They make you a stronger person, a good listener, teach you to negotiate, to be patient, and attentive.

Lack of sleep, exhausting introspection, and compelled indulgence have not a harmful effect on your life. They are like a bitter pill that you need to take to feel matchlessly better later.

Here is when your inner child shows up. The kid doesn’t want to take the pill, he spits it out, cries, falls down and throws a fit. However, once life makes him take it, the kid starts to grow much faster and feel much better.

Don’t be mad at the world. It is a teacher. Just learn your lessons.

Saturday 16 July 2016


10 Ways to Successfully Start Your Day: motivation, success, wake up, tips, how to

The morning is one of the most crucial moments of the day, which sometimes dictates how the rest of it will feel.

There are a number of ways to improve the quality of your mornings and ensure you are relaxed and energetic for the day ahead of you. Here are the most effective ones:

10 Ways to Successfully Start Your Day

1. Set Your Alarm Earlier

If you know yourself to be hard to get out of bed, and always late for work, set your alarm 15 minutes earlier than usual. This will give you extra time to get yourself ready and respect the schedule you’ve probably made the night before. 

2. Don’t Snooze

However, it’s useless to wake up 15 minutes early if you snooze the alarm and go back to sleep. Apart from making all your efforts in vain, this practice does more damage than you think. When your alarm rings, your body’s sleep cycle is interrupted. By going back to sleep, you restart that cycle, but shock your body when you interrupt it again 15 minutes later. The more times you snooze, the more tired you will wake up.

3. Stretch or Exercise

You can begin stretching before you even get out of bed. We sometimes do it without realizing, get on the side of the bed and stretch our arms. What you should do then is continue with the rest of the body, for a good minute of stretching to chase the sleep away and oxygenate the blood. And this works even better if you add a 15-minutemorning workout routine. You will leave the house smiling and ready for anything.

4. Start Preparing Before Sleep

One thing we all have problems with is deciding what to wear in the morning. Looking through your wardrobe for 5 minutes and not choosing anything can be frustrating, to say the least. And can make you late. Why not get rid of that, and have the clothes ready the night before?

5. Relax

Reserve 5 – 10 minutes of your morning time for some relaxation. It may seem uncalled for since you’ve just woken up, but your mind is not that focused during the morning, and something to calm it can go a long way. Listen to some music or simply sit still and let your mind run free for a bit while enjoying your morning coffee by the window, watching the horizon.

6. Drink Water

You should realize that your body just came back after roughly 8 hours of sleep, during which it used up resources. Resources like water, which is why you should hurry to replenish. Even if you’re not that thirsty, drink a large glass of water after you wake up and your body will definitely thank you later.

10 Ways to Successfully Start Your Day: Always have Breakfast

7. Always Have Breakfast

And, of course, water is not the only resource your body used up. Other nutrients need to be replenished as well, and a well-balanced morning breakfast can go a long way towards a productive day. There are many “recipes” forthe perfect breakfast, but generally, something high in protein, coupled with orange juice, will do the trick. Sugar is recommended as well for better memory, but only about one cube.

8. Plan the Day

During breakfast, plan out the rest of your day. Think about where you’ll be going, who you will meet and what you’ll be doing in order to formulate a solid timeline of your day. This is when ideas will start popping into your head and you will find better ways to tackle some of the issues you will be confronted with. This will make the world of difference if your goal is to become one of the world’s top CEOs.

9. Focus on One Thing 

Unless you have a solid and practiced morning routine, you will find it difficult, sometimes annoying to do some of the things you plan the night before. That is why you should never try to multitask. Take things slow and one at a time to avoid getting angry or upset and ruining the rest of the morning, possibly the day.

10. Start With What Is Important

When you get to work, always start with your most important and complex task that day. After a healthy morning routine, you will be at your peak when it comes to focus and awareness, and you will be better able to handle difficult assignments. It will also prevent you from procrastinating and leaving it for tomorrow.

It all looks great on paper and definitely doable when you read everything during the lunch break. And, in fact, it really is. You just need to be determined to follow the plan you set for yourself. It will be harder at first, sure, but in a couple of weeks, you’ll feel as if you’ve been doing it since forever.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

8 Tips to Develop Self-Discipline
Self-discipline is an extremely crucial skills to develop along the road to success.  There are many things that will test you, challenge you, and pressure you, but with strong discipline, it is easier to avoid the distractions and stay on track towards your goals.  Every successful person has developed the self-discipline that is needed in order to become successful, but they know that it doesn’t happen overnight and it takes practice and persistence to develop.
In this article, we’ve highlighted 8 tips that you can use to build this important skill so that you can help yourself stay on path to success!
Tip 1 – Eat healthier
Make a commitment to eat healthier foods.  When you do this, a natural by-product is that you will feel better. You will also be more confident and this discipline will carry over into other areas of your life.  Also, do not skip meals.  When you skip meals, it causes a drop in blood sugar and your ability to concentrate suffers.  So commit to eating regularly, but make sure the foods you are consuming are healthy!
Tip 2 – Find a support group
Everyone needs a support group when trying to reach new heights for themselves.  It is much easier to make it if you’ve got a group of people who you can lean on for support.  Find a support group that can help push you and hold you accountable. They can be friends, family, co-workers, or mentors, but having someone there can really make a difference in helping you develop your discipline.
Tip 3 – Remove the temptations
Remember the old saying, “Out of sight, out of mind?”  Removing temptations from your environment is a key step towards becoming more discipline. So, if you are trying to lose weight, remove the junk food from your kitchen.  If you want to improve your focus at work, turn off your cell phone or simply leave it in your car during the day.  By removing temptations like in these examples, it will be much easier for you to stay focused, and thus, stay disciplined.
Tip 4 – Schedule breaks and rewards
When working on developing self-discipline, it is best not to be too strict with yourself. Doing this can often lead to burnout, fatigue, and falling back to your old habits.  It’s better off to start in chunks.  Also, schedule breaks for yourself to treat yourself for doing a job well done.  
For example, if you’re trying to lose more weight, designate 1 day as ice cream day, and use that day to treat yourself.  Small rewards like this won’t hurt your progress and can help with long-term results!
Tip 5 – Meditate
Often times when we get distracted, lose focus, and give in it is because we are not clear-headed. This is where the art of meditation comes into play.  Many successful leaders use meditation to stay clear-minded and focused.  If you are feeling like you are in a hurry, feel like you are being rushed, or feel like you are being distracted, take a few moments to clear your mind with silent meditation. Count backwards from 10, breath deep, and refocus.  This can really help to calm the mind and thus keep you on track with your disciplinary efforts!
Tip 6 – Keep a goal sheet
Fill out a goal sheet of the things you want to be more discipline for during the week.  Then keep the sheet with you all week so that you can refer to it. Check it often as a reminder to yourself what you wanted to accomplish. Keeping this sheet will be very handy for you as the week goes.  By the end of the week, you can be proud of yourself for accomplishing these mini goals and this is a great way to build momentum for the following week.
Tip 7 – Follow the proper influencers
Follow people who inspire you to stay committed.  You can use social media websites, such as: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, LinkedIn, and more.  It is super easy these days to connect and follow famous people who know how to inspire and motivate you.  YouTube is another great way to find inspiration through videos. Make sure to follow people who you can relate to and this will definitely help you develop your self-discipline!
Tip 8 – Share your commitments
It is proven that sharing your commitments with others increases your chances of accomplishing your goals.  This is because when you make your goals public, you have people who will then know what you’re doing – and this helps hold you accountable. If you don’t tell anyone your commitments, it’s easier to cave it and fall back because nobody will know about it.  So, share your commitments to friends or on social media!

Self-discipline is a challenging skill to develop, but it is an amazing one that will help you become a very wealthy and successful person once developed.  Take these 8 tips we shared today and apply them in your life.  Once you see improvements, continue to work and build your self-discipline and watch how far you can go!


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