Thursday, 31 March 2016

Essential Components Of A Good Life, Success, Personal Development, Growth, Self-Improvement, Love, Friendship, Uniqueness, Sharing, Effectiveness, Mind body spirit, Motivation, How To, Inspirational Tips

For us a Good Life, can't be just about materialistic things (although than can be a consequence of it!), it's not about money, not about the cars, the houses, the food you eat, the drinks you take. They all end up at some point, none of them can give you everlasting satisfaction. That's one thing you should strive for, if you want to have a Good Life. 

How will you be remembered when it's all said and done? Will people acknowledge you as a person that had aGood Life, or, just a mundane life equal to many others?

Although high standards are required, the simplest things that are available to anyone can create a Good Life. For you to better grasp our take on the manner and for you to get inspired to make your life better, we've elected 8 Essential Components That Make A Good Life, enjoy!

8 Essential Components Of A Good Life

1. Love 

Love who you are, love your family, love your friends, love your soulmate, love your job, love competing, love everything you do. Live with passion! Put your heart in whatever you do, so you can do it to the fullest. Reach your full potential. 

Love is the most powerful force you can have by your side, don't waste time with negative feelings, like hate or envy. Stay on the positive side with love.

2. Living Up To Your Uniqueness

Who are you? What's your experience? What do you like? What are your hobbies? How can you contribute to the world in an unique way? 

We all are different, your culture, traditions, style, thoughts, language, experiences, make we you are in a unique way! Too many worthy things for you to just copy someone else. Be happy with who you are and put it out for the world to see it! Be the best version you can possibly be. Feel great about yourself. 

3. Friendship

Who can you count on when darker times arrive? Answer this question in the most honest way. The person you name is your friend, for real! Treasure those true friendships, build them daily, you cannot pick your family but you can pick your friends. 

Friends are those people who really like you for who you are, even with your imperfections, that's how strong these type of relationships can be. Because they know you like no other, friends can push you to be the best you can be, treasure them!

4. Effectiveness 

The ability to produce a successful result in whatever you do. We need this badly. The confident thought that tells you that "you are useful to this world in a great way". Because you developed the necessary "know how" and the skills to create or produce something great. 

You can get the work done, that's what basically this means. It will give you an extraordinary feeling of fulfillment, even better, others will recognize you as someone that's valuable, cause "you can get the work done"

5. Sharing

Life its not just about yourself, truly its about you and how you can impact others. The ability to share can change your life and others lives. 

You share with them, they will share with you. You share your work with them, they will share their work with you, but they will also share your work with others. It's a matter of making an impact that, hugely can grow beyond you. Therefore, it makes you and others bigger than you can possibly imagine. That's a  way of living a Good Life

6. Finding True Pleasure

You have to remain true to yourself. Life is full of pleasures, some of them can give you a great sensation, but just for the moment, afterward you feel empty. Other pleasures, can give a great sensation, and give you reward over reward after they are over. Those are the ones you should target

What's the difference between making sex and making love? That's the whole point. Don't believe the hype! Live a simple life with pleasures that make you better on the long run, if that pleasure will make you better and others better, that's great! If not...discard them!

7. Continuous Growth

Living and remaining the same, can be devastating. Shoot for growth, learn with life. You don't have to get it right at first attempt, continue to learn, become better and wiser, you only need to be right once to make a huge impact. 

But you need to learn your lessons, so you can create new strategies and apply themTake conclusions, redefine your strategies, attack it again smarter and stronger. Truly it's all about growth!   

8. Mind, Body, Spirit Connection

From an initial impression, many of the components we've talked about require you to use your mind. It's about developing a kind of mindset that's constantly in pursuit of a Good Life. But actually, there is more to it. Your mind relates to the other two elements of life, body and spirit

You must acknowledge the relationship between them and work on the three elements, so each element can influence another. Take care of your body, eat right, exercise, sleep well. Use spirituality practices, whatever you believe in, meditation and praying can be great tools! 

Constantly analyze your life, stay sharp on this Essential Components of a Good Life.

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1. Coaching
Teach people a new skill. Weather it’s a profitable skill, a time saving skill or anything that can improve someones life then you can sell it. To decide if your skill is worth coaching is too look at the effect knowing that skill is on the person, if it’s a skill that is directly related to making money it is easy to market “Learn how to make $100/hour” And charge someone $500 and they will directly see the value and pay back the cost in 5 hours. The other 2 things you can sell is time and also tap into the emotions. For time you need to include the time you can save someone ” 55 minutes a day ” and quote time so people can directly link that back to the value.
2. Ebooks
This is very similar to coaching except is much more scalable and is less time consuming allowing you to put more time into selling and marketing. An ebook can be on anything you want as long as it’s something someone else will want to know. Try target very small niche markets as it should get you better returns for advertising and allows you to narrow down your content. Ebooks should be alot cheaper than coaching and personally i charge between $10-$20.
3. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the best and most popular ways people make money online. Not only on instagram but also facebook, bloggers, youtubers, email marketers and ANYONE on the internet can do it! Basically the way to do this is to set up an “area” in which you supply content on a specific niche of yours, I recommend you use either an email list, a blog or an instagram to do this. What you do is you then go to click bank and find an affiliate product to promote, you’ll be given your own link in which you insert into your blog or instagram and then every time someone buys the product you get paid! The key to doing this is to have a very specific niche and promote very specific products to your audience. This will get you more sales and new clients.
4. Instagram/twitter/Facebook
Becoming a social influencer is becoming more and more popular these days and is actually a very good business. I personally started on instagram and can make a solid 4 figure income per month from the platform from having 200,000 followers. You get paid from this by featuring brands in your niche, once again you need to have a specific niche and target specific brands. Build your following and then promote relevant brands in return for a fee, also you can monetise with affiliate links as shown above.
5. Blogging/Youtube
Blogging and youtube are very similar to becoming a social influence. The main difference being that you are paid an automatic rate per page view rather than only when someone purchases ads. This is due to adsense, which is the main way someone will monetise a blog or youtube. They place an ad spot on their page and every time an ad is displayed they get paid a small amount and then when an ad is clicked they get paid even more. It’s a very small amount however when you start getting thousands of clicks a month this can really add up. To get started with blogging simply build a basic, cheap website and then start writing content while learning how to drive traffic. For youtube you just need to create an account and upload niche targeted videos and also learn how to build the page and become a youtube sensation!
6. Drop Shipping
Drop shipping is one of the best ways known to sell products without the hassle of storage, shipping and all the other hassles associated from a physical good. Perfect for a college student and can be run from your dorm room! Drop shipping basically is when you build the website and brand and find a supplier to manufacture your good. Then instead of you pre purchasing the product and on selling it you make your sales and then at the end of the day/week/month depending on demand and you email out the address, this ofcourse lowers your profit margin but also allows you to  lower the starting risk of a business when you are unsure of starting sales. You can start a business like this first by finding someone to manufacture and distribute the product and then build a site around it.
7. Freelancing
Have you ever wondered why your firm charges you out at $100 an hour yet only pays you $25/hour? Its there profit margin, and the old way of business. Now with freelancing you basically go direct to the customer. For example instead of the client paying $100 for your services you charge them $65 an hour. This saves them $35 per hour and you gain an extra $40 per hour! Basically tripling your hourly wage! You can do this online seeking out clients looking for a better deal
8. Ebay Buy And Sell
This is a very self explanatory business. Buy cheap items on ebay and re sell them for more. Whether you want to add to the product to increase value, add better packaging or market the product better for more returns. All you need to do is buy low, sell high!
9. Virtual Assistant
With many businesses being purely online a virtual assistant is becoming a very popular job. It’s just like being an assistant for someone, you might proofread, organise meetings, prepare presentations, summarize notes or even do things such as coding or blog posts however the best part is you can do it anywhere at any time. This means you are able to fit in your assistant job around your study timetable or even other jobs so you can make that extra side income to put towards your dreams.
10. Consumer Response ( Website and survey reviews )
Customer response is a new industry. Ever seen an ad on facebook about $5 surveys? Thats customer responses! Basically brands need to test there products before launching it to the public, so they pay you in either gift cards, discounts or cash to check out the site and review it, or maybe answer a survey. Usually you won’t be directly contacted by a big brand to do so. To get these options sign up to a few popular sites and receive surveys of your interest. To get started google some good companies.
8 Tips to Stay Productive When You’re Tired
Working on our goals should be a daily habit.  However, many times we get caught up in moments of tiredness and stress and because of this, fail to execute on our goals.
Everyone knows that if you only work on days that you feel good, you will not get very far, very fast.  Pushing through during those times of fatigue is critical to achieving success.  So, below we’ve highlighted some of the best tips that you can use to stay productive when you start feeling tired.

  • Grab a light snack

Often times all we need is a quick “pick-me-up” to help us recharge.  Grabbing a quick snack will do exactly that. The science is that it boost our brain power and gives us a quick spike of blood-sugar. This wakes us up a bit and can help us get refocus.  However, make sure the snack is healthy and light. If it’s too heavy, it can bog you down, making you feel tired and groggy.

  • Drink a cup of coffee

Drink a cup of coffee for a quick shot of caffeine.  If you don’t like coffee grab something else to drink with caffeine in it.  Caffeine can help heighten our awareness and wake us up.  So, if you’re feeling a little sluggish, a cup of coffee or soda will help!

  • Stand up and move around

Getting up and moving around will get the blood flow moving throughout your body.  This activity will wake you up and make you feel more energized.  It is a great way to wake yourself up if you are feeling sluggish. If you’re really feeling tired you can do a few jumping jacks or pushups!

  • Read your goals list a few times

If you are feeling tired and unmotivated, simply pull out your goals list that you created for yourself and read them over a few times.  If you don’t have one, this is a great reason why they are so important!  Reading your goals to yourself is very helpful because it will remind you of where you want to be and what you are trying to achieve.  This will give you motivation and help you refocus your energy on being productive.

  • Chunk your work

What we mean by chunking is to take your work and do it in smaller sections.  Often times, we look at the project and goals we are trying to accomplish as a whole.  The reason we get unmotivated is because we think of everything we have to do.  Instead of doing this, only focus on small tasks at a time that need to be completed. Every little bit adds up and this is why we recommend chunking your work!

  • Look at a vision board

If you don’t have a vision board, this is another reason why you should have one.  Vision boards are great to look at when you are feeling unmotivated, tired, or sluggish.  A vision board is simply a board with pictures and quotes of the things you want in your life.  Vision boards are often made on a cardboard cutout and are made by cutting out images from magazine articles, quotes, or other places where you see things that remind you of where you’re trying to go in life.  Once you paste these on your vision board, you have something to always look at for a reminder.  This is a great way to keep yourself on track and focused in times of fatigue.

  • Watch a motivational video

Enter YouTube!  Motivational videos are great tools that you can use to stay motivated.  Simply go to YouTube or Google and search for “Motivational Video” and you’ll have hundreds showing at your disposal. Everyone needs motivation from time to time, so if you’re feeling unmotivated, watching them can be a great way to stay on track!  We recommend making a playlist of your favorite ones so that you can always have them on hand.

  • Turn off your cell phone

Turning off your cell phone is a great way to stay productive. As we all know, having our phone right next to us can make it tempting to check e-mails, social media accounts, and text messages.  One of the best ways to stay productive is to simply turn your cell phone off all-together.  You’d be amazing how much you can get done!

We know how hard it can be sometimes to stay productive when on the road to success.  With the hours, sacrifice, and hard work, it is easy to get distracted and restless.  However, following the 8 tips we highlighted here will help you to stay on course.
Self-discipline is an extremely crucial skills to develop along the road to success.  There are many things that will test you, challenge you, and pressure you, but with strong discipline, it is easier to avoid the distractions and stay on track towards your goals.  Every successful person has developed the self-discipline that is needed in order to become successful, but they know that it doesn’t happen overnight and it takes practice and persistence to develop.
In this article, we’ve highlighted 8 tips that you can use to build this important skill so that you can help yourself stay on path to success!
Tip 1 – Eat healthier
Make a commitment to eat healthier foods.  When you do this, a natural by-product is that you will feel better. You will also be more confident and this discipline will carry over into other areas of your life.  Also, do not skip meals.  When you skip meals, it causes a drop in blood sugar and your ability to concentrate suffers.  So commit to eating regularly, but make sure the foods you are consuming are healthy!
Tip 2 – Find a support group
Everyone needs a support group when trying to reach new heights for themselves.  It is much easier to make it if you’ve got a group of people who you can lean on for support.  Find a support group that can help push you and hold you accountable. They can be friends, family, co-workers, or mentors, but having someone there can really make a difference in helping you develop your discipline.
Tip 3 – Remove the temptations
Remember the old saying, “Out of sight, out of mind?”  Removing temptations from your environment is a key step towards becoming more discipline. So, if you are trying to lose weight, remove the junk food from your kitchen.  If you want to improve your focus at work, turn off your cell phone or simply leave it in your car during the day.  By removing temptations like in these examples, it will be much easier for you to stay focused, and thus, stay disciplined.
Tip 4 – Schedule breaks and rewards
When working on developing self-discipline, it is best not to be too strict with yourself. Doing this can often lead to burnout, fatigue, and falling back to your old habits.  It’s better off to start in chunks.  Also, schedule breaks for yourself to treat yourself for doing a job well done.  
For example, if you’re trying to lose more weight, designate 1 day as ice cream day, and use that day to treat yourself.  Small rewards like this won’t hurt your progress and can help with long-term results!
Tip 5 – Meditate
Often times when we get distracted, lose focus, and give in it is because we are not clear-headed. This is where the art of meditation comes into play.  Many successful leaders use meditation to stay clear-minded and focused.  If you are feeling like you are in a hurry, feel like you are being rushed, or feel like you are being distracted, take a few moments to clear your mind with silent meditation. Count backwards from 10, breath deep, and refocus.  This can really help to calm the mind and thus keep you on track with your disciplinary efforts!
Tip 6 – Keep a goal sheet
Fill out a goal sheet of the things you want to be more discipline for during the week.  Then keep the sheet with you all week so that you can refer to it. Check it often as a reminder to yourself what you wanted to accomplish. Keeping this sheet will be very handy for you as the week goes.  By the end of the week, you can be proud of yourself for accomplishing these mini goals and this is a great way to build momentum for the following week.
Tip 7 – Follow the proper influencers
Follow people who inspire you to stay committed.  You can use social media websites, such as: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope, LinkedIn, and more.  It is super easy these days to connect and follow famous people who know how to inspire and motivate you.  YouTube is another great way to find inspiration through videos. Make sure to follow people who you can relate to and this will definitely help you develop your self-discipline!
Tip 8 – Share your commitments
It is proven that sharing your commitments with others increases your chances of accomplishing your goals.  This is because when you make your goals public, you have people who will then know what you’re doing – and this helps hold you accountable. If you don’t tell anyone your commitments, it’s easier to cave it and fall back because nobody will know about it.  So, share your commitments to friends or on social media!

Self-discipline is a challenging skill to develop, but it is an amazing one that will help you become a very wealthy and successful person once developed.  Take these 8 tips we shared today and apply them in your life.  Once you see improvements, continue to work and build your self-discipline and watch how far you can go!

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Eric Thomas "Secrets to Success/How Bad Do You Want It?"

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful." that's what The Hip-Hop Preacher Eric Thomas (or E.T) tells us. It's all about heart and will when it comes to being successful. What sacrifices are you making to reach your goals? Are you making any sacrifices at all? Just imagine if you give up all the unnecessary things you your life, and really focus on the things that really matter...that's the path to success!

Bill Gates

"Did you knew success was about leading with the ups and downs of life in the best possible way? That's what Bill Gates (one of the most richest man on the planet) had to do. To be focused and committed on your goals it's a must if you want to be successful."


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